travisb33Feb 6, 20224 min4 Causes of Dis-ease (and what to do about them)4 Causes of Dis-ease (and what to do about them) by SHAPE ReClaimed FACT: Nine out of ten deaths in the U.S. can be ascribed to...
travisb33Feb 6, 20223 minStress: It’s Not All in Your HeadStress: It’s Not All in Your Head by SHAPE ReClaimed While most stress is unavoidable, it is possible for you to still feel strong, happy...
travisb33Feb 6, 20224 min5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail by SHAPE ReClaimed 5 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail Have you ever wondered why most diets fail? Perhaps you’ve...